Tampa Bay area corporate event entertainer Timothy Pitchstanding on stage

“5 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Magician for your Event”

So you’re ready to book a magician for your next event –  great! Professional magicians add memorable pops of fun, engagement and wonder to any party, conference or get-together. You don’t want to hire someone blindly, but how do you begin to source your options? When it comes time to book the talent, there are five common mistakes and pitfalls you should avoid.

Not Checking Online Reviews

Reviews are proof of delivery, and as close to word-of-mouth as you can get when you are entering a new space. People value their experiences and their investments, so reviews of past customers are a great way to get an honest look at an entertainer’s value. And because people are mostly motivated to leave reviews when something is either exceptionally amazing or exceptionally disappointing, you’ll likely find a plethora of accounts giving an accurate appraisal.

While it may seem an obvious step, reviews can often get overlooked. There is so much to look at, and a well-tailored social media presence or a high-end website can often obscure a lack of talent and make a magician look better than they perform. Always check the reviews to make sure they’re the real deal.

No Video Proof

Especially in this day and age, the proof is found in the video evidence. Someone can write all the flowery words they want about themselves or stage convincingly great photographs, but that doesn’t give you a taste of their performance. Video demos let you see a magician in action so you can get a feel for their act, decide if you like the style and gauge a live audience’s reactions and engagement.

No Website or Online Footprint

It’s 2022 – almost any reputable business and especially reputable performer has an online presence. Social proof and a digital footprint are the currency of authenticity. If a magician doesn’t have even a basic webpage set up, it calls their credibility into question.  A good performer will have a website to share information about their offerings, their experience and more.

Lack of References

A trusted referral is pretty much a guaranteed good experience. People only recommend goods, services and experiences that they feel delivered above and beyond – after all, who would want to be known for recommending disappointments? If a magician can have a list of past clients who are happy to refer them and validate their abilities, that speaks volumes.

No Guarantee!

A  guarantee is as close to risk mitigation as you can get! Booking entertainment can feel risky, especially if it is your first foray. Will you enjoy the experience? Will your guests have a good time? Will the performer deliver on promises and meet expectations? Any good magician will stand by their act and strive to make sure their clients are satisfied. Look for a guarantee around satisfaction and payment refunds, such as on the Timothy Pitch website, to know a magician is secure in the quality of their art.

Plan your next event with peace of mind. From reviews to video content to a guaranteed good time, book Timothy for your next entertaining event.

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